Category Archives: business modeling

Negative Energy

I have sighted a new urban myth: Electric heating is cheaper than oil heat! Here in Boston people heat with both gas and oil, and the cost per unit of heat between the two has diverged rapidly over the last few years. Those who heat with oil are looking for ways out of their plight. Apparently the rumor making the rounds that it is cheaper to use electric. That’s not true.

In related news Martin  brings my attention to a company EnerNoc that sells negative energy, i.e. load shedding, to the utilities. They use telecom and widgets to shift power consumption from high demand time periods into low demand time periods. Martian’s example is the fridge. You chill when power is plentiful and let it coast when others are paying higher prices.

I assume that EnerNoc’s role in all this is to aggregate small power users into a large enough pool to be worthy of selling to the utilities. It’s a interesting example of a coordination problem. There are of course other ways to approach the problem; ones that are less dependent on a thicket of contracts and ongoing coordination signals controlled by a middleman and enabled, as Martian, points out by the telecom infrastructure.

The obvious alternative is to just broadcast signal; and let the demand side react to the signal by selling some simple technology that responds to the signal in reasonably simple ways. That alone would enable substantial contributions from the demand side. But you can improve the incentive structure either thru regulation or by using statistical sampling to tell which customers have gotten with program; and then reduce their tariffs.

The amount of signal that needs to flow from the grid operators to the consumers is small, in the sense that you can broadcast it. A signal only needs to flow back the other way sufficient to assure that the incentives play out right. It is stupid to presume that the only incentives that are available are monetary or that they need to be executed with fastidious accounting. Most social systems have very fuzzy accounting and they work just fine, thank you!

The puzzle to be solved here is how to draw more of the peripheral demand into a load balancing system. Reading about EnerNoc’s approach isn’t the first time I’ve seen discussion of this. For example Bruce Schneier mentioned a regulatory attempt at something similar. I liked that one a lot, it provided a way to signal household thermostats. He was concerned that the resulting system would attract hackers. I presume he’d be just as sanguine about the security of the EnerNoc system; probably more so since it’s a closed system.

Such concerns are appropriate, but for heaven sakes I wish smart people like Bruce would stop pretending that these cases are somehow unique. It is the very rare large scale system that doesn’t have vunerable choke points. Hubs who’s failure can bring the entire system to it’s knees. Telling designers not to build large systems because of those risks is lame. Helping them know how to build them so they are safe and robust is hard, yes. But these systems get built because they generate mind boggling amounts of value. So it’s better to do the hard job and forgo the short term pleasure of a bit of hysteria.

Speaking of load shedding: turning your car’s engine off when you stop is more efficient than you thought.

Annoying Companies

via Tim Oren:

Now there’s an investing theory. Let’s have all the annoying companies buy each other.Comcast acquires Plaxo.

Acquisitions are easier if the two firms are entangled in similar ways; similar software platforms, similar open source licensing practices, similar unions, similar distribution channels, similar management fad.  No doubt, two firms with similar annoying  privacy  policies are a natural fit.

Attention Economy?

I like to talk about leveraging the talent on the other side of the Internet, or talent scraping. That talent is only just recently discovered. We are in a kind of gold rush to figure out how to mine it. I’ve called that mining industry talent-scrapping, in part to suggest how it’s like a whale filtering plankton from nutrient rich waters.
Talent is usually considered scarce. But now it’s abundant. But now it is different in form than in the past. More diffuse. We used to concentrate it into locations, universities or cities, but now it’s just out there; on the other side of the net. So most of our intuitions are wrong about how to manage it or accumulate it.

We are in a curious situation where you have a choice between abundant talent v.s. scarce talent – but where we have very refined craft knowledge about how to mange scarce talent (think standardized testing, university diplomas, publication pipelines) v.s. very immature craft knowledge about how to tap diffuse talent pools.

That combo scarce-but-skilled vs. abundant-but-unskilled must be a common situation when a new option space break open. It is notable that their is scarcity on both sides of that equation; but they are of a very different nature. One is a resource scarcity, and the other is a lack of expertise – an information good.
When people talk about the attention economy I’ve tended to presume they were saying that attention is scarce. Certainly my attention is a limited resource. I certainly have a whole bag of tricks for managing that scarce resource.

Clay Shirky takes a run at this problem in a most excellent recent essay where-in he introduces the delightful term “cognitive surplus.” He gets there in a most marvelous way that is just hip slapping funny.

The idea of an attention economy is that there is some gross national product of talent out there. That it’s like the water supply of a big city, a pipe flows into the city of skill, and there is only a certain amount to be had – so you really ought to be careful what you spend it on.

I recall how when back in the 1960s there was a drought around NYC and people started talking about water conservation. We used to get a glass of water automatically when every you sat down in a restaurant and they stopped that. I recall hearing how silly that was since meanwhile the water authority came to discover that rivers of water were leaking from the system; entire pipelines were flowing hundreds of miles only be dumped into the Hudson.

To adopt Clay’s term cognition is the water of the attention economy and his point is that we just maybe we are pouring most of the talent on the planet into the abyss.

Talent isn’t scarce anymore, the real question is where the hell has all the talent been going all these years. Clay has some suggestions, and possibly most interesting to me was the hint that society in the past has struggled with this very same question; it’s “the idle hands – the devils playground” problem. And for God sake don’t miss the punch line at the end of his essay!

The Little People

gulliver1.jpgI wonder if there is any data on the distribution of stock ownership for a large sample of public companies.  It assume it’s conventional wisdom that management can capture a large portion of the profits when the firm’s share holders are more diffuse v.s. when the  ownership is concentrated in a few hands.  I think I’ve seen articles showing that result.  This is, yet again, a question about the power-law distribution.  It would be fascinating to see some analysis of company performance versus how skewed the ownership distribution is.

This is analogous to yesterday’s point, via Bob Wyman, about how when a platform vendor successfully atomizes the size of the options created by his platform can improve his monopoly.  Large firms always labor to keep their complementary players commoditized; management presumably always labors to keep shareholder power fragmented; and anti-democratic movements always labor to keep group forming limited to the family unit.  It’s why we are suspicious of populism, and why I’m doubtful about the Deep Green’s enthusiasm for local.
It would be cool to have the SEC require reporting of the aggregate statistics of firm stock holdings.  Who knows, possibly that data is reported.  Say indirectly thru reporting of shareholder voting data.

Google App Engine

milkwrecked.jpgFinally Google is revealing some of the means they will provide to allow third parties to run code closer to their assets. Last week was good for Python! Since, we learned that Google’s leading language for developers will be Python. While they assert that the platform is language neutral it certainly looks like only Google can “harden” and deploy a new language. The crowd demanded both an unknown language and Perl, the presenter flinched. That is going to be very rough on the long tail of languages.

I found the 1st and 2nd segments of their announcement videos interesting. Everybody got very nice hair cuts.

There is a lot of value in this offering and the “you don’t have too” theme that runs through out their patter is a strong way to present that. They really are taking a lot of pain out the developer’s job! So while they are probably encouraging the die off of a lot of interesting languages they are enabling a lot of tiny applications.

Their persistent store is cute (note you can’t write to the file system otherwise). I suspect this is a lock-in point, though the semantics of the store look reasonably simple.
In addition to writing to the file system, no pure TCP/IP interfaces, and no threads. Which reflects the nature of the underlying computer. Amusingly this is a non-preemptive computing model, just like the old Macintosh. You have to do all your work triggered by http requests, and those can’t run too long.

I’m fascinated by my emotional reaction to all this. While I’ve rationally seen this coming for a very long time. In fact I’m surprised it’s taken so long! It makes me sad to see the old craft skills become less necessary. It makes me excited to see the opportunities this opens up; it’s always fun with a large population is empowered to author software. That’s one of the big-hard-problems, letting more people be authors.

That kind of somewhat discombobulated emotional reaction in an expert is a good sign in a platform offering. This is going to be big and it is a nice counter point to Amazon’s approach.

Lilacs out of the dead land

Brad DeLong is puzzled:

“I am supposed to be smart. I should be able to find a way to use all of these in a way that is truly useful…”

And then goes onto enumerate a very small selected subset of the numerious sites that are building out interesting user facing services: Tumblr, Evernote, Jott, Sandy,, and Skitch.

Me thinks: These tools are what in the software industry we call features.  Each firm is taking a swag at building out a feature in the hope of being acquired when the roll up happens.  The firm’s motivations to enable cross application integration are weaker than the end user’s.  The firms are striving to retain options.  We haven’t reached any sort of consensus about where the locus of the roll up will be.  We haven’t solved the authentication problem that’s a foundation for the whole problem.  Many highly contested issues here.  The shake out won’t be pretty.

It’s only very peripherally about you Brad.

Energy Density of a Bytestream

There is a delightful state just before sleep, but it requires a certain absence of anxiety. A place where threads in your head can intermingle in amusing ways. Last night I spent some moments there and cloud servers became entangled with the density of energy storage. I’m liking the idea that server farms in isolated venues convert low value electricity into high value byte streams, much like an aluminum smelter converting cheap power into energy dense aluminum foil. A unit for information goods: watts/byte. I see server farms beyond the cloud, in orbit, drawing disintermediated power straight from the sun.

Just in Time Rule Making

I have a bank account designed like a game at a casino.  They bet me about 70$ a month; if I lose then I pay then about 20$, if I win I get about 50$.  Winning the bet requires that I run an obstacle course of their design.  For example in one step I must use their debit card N times. This is not unlike those deals where you have to mail in a rebate.  Companies offering rebates know most people are not as competent as they think they are.  These are pretty evil marketing techniques. Unsurprisingly given the excitement in the credit markets the bank has decided to rejigger the rule of the game.  The penalty is the same.  The prize is now smaller, 30$.

They write “we felt strongly about notifying you before the rate decrease takes effect” in an email dispatched 14 hours before the rule change goes into effect.  This reminds a bit of a game my brother once played with me where in he would change the rules after each round.

Secret Project Killers

I’ve been musing recently that there are a few words which you can use to kill most any software project:

  • Safe – As in “What could possibly go wrong?”
  • Scalable – As in, “How do you plan to make that approach scale?”
  • Social – “Shouldn’t the account management include a social network?”
  • Socialize – As in “But first, let’s socialize this idea in the organization.”
  • Semantic
  • Sustainable – “I don’t understand your business model.”
  • Simple
  • Standard

I needed to post this so I stop seeking more S words to add to the list.