Category Archives: business modeling

More Mumbling About Negotiating

This email I just got informs me that I’m queued up to get twelve cents cashback.  I think this maybe a sign that my power shopping habits are a bit out of hand.  The vendor, the intermediary, and I will bear far more than twelve cents each to see this through.

Two of my rules of thumb about discounting come to mind.  Negotiation is expensive and it adds friction to the transactions; but at the same time negotiation allows the seller to scour out more money from the customer.  The “deeper relationship” lets the seller learn more about the buyer’s “willingness to pay”.  It’s all about cost benefit.

Rule #1: The higher the transaction value the greater the chance of a full fledged well staffed negotiation.  That explains why a salesman is part of the process of buying a car, a high end stereo system, an expensive camera, or an Oracle database license.  It suggests that one should always negotiate with the hospital, the dentist, the mortgage company, the university.  Of course the seller in all these situations would prefer a customer who doesn’t negotate; and in many cases the customer prefers that too.

Rule #2: There is lots of room for technology to shift the curve, so negotiation becomes cost effective for the seller at a lower price point.  Coupons, cash back, sales, etc. etc. are all examples of that.  In an interesting example of globalization shifting the cost curve for sellers, I was recently shopping for health insurance and found myself talking to a very competent negotiator who was transparently on the other side of the planet.

So all commerce has some negotiation tax included in the price.  I wish I had better intuitions for how that tax varies across products.  For example, Universities seem unique.  They have struggled valiantly and largely sucessfully to reduce the tax.  So they are a counter example to rule #1.

I don’t even have a rule of thumb for what the average tax is, 35%?

Rule #1 might lead you to suspect that low priced goods tend to bear a smaller negotiation tax, but then rule #2 suggests otherwise.  A stream of low priced goods can pay for the overhead of a marketing/sales department that builds out a slew of coupons etc. etc.  Some businesses, VistaPrint comes to mind, seem to be 80% negotiation tax.

You might hypothesize that commodities (cheese, coffee, meat) would have minimal negotiation costs.  But for those of those I can save about 30% if I buy in bulk each time they go by on sale; 50%+ if I play with coupons.

Meanwhile I think it would be fun to create an iPhone app that lets the passengers on a plane reveal anonymously what they paid.

15 years

1920-wj1-old-&-youngI was skimming this long long post about the demographics and institutional affiliations of the community of climate skeptics, and deep in the body is this fascinating bit.

UPDATE (December 19, 2009): Peter Staats, in the comments, suggested that belief in anthropogenic global warming is entrenched among scientists and will disappear as the older generation dies (citing Planck, whose point is also made in Thomas Kuhn’s  Structure of Scientific Revolutions). I responded that I thought he has it backwards–that AGW has become more and more supported, and the holdouts tend to be older, as some of the data about the anti-AGW organizations above already suggested. So I tested our respective hypotheses against Jim Prall’s data, for IPCC WG1 scientists vs. the signatories of the AGW-skeptical documents. I looked at the average year of the last academic degree awarded, first for those with citation counts for their fourth-most-cited paper >= 200, then, since that was such a small sample for the climate skeptics, for citation counts >= 100, and then for all the 623 IPCC WG1 scientists vs. the 469 signatories of AGW-skeptical documents. Here are the results:

Citation counts of 4th-most-cited >= 200:
IPCC WG1: N=83, 12 w/o year, N=71, average year of last degree = 1981
Skeptics: N=13, 4 w/o year, N=9, average year of last degree = 1965

Citations counts of 4th-most-cited >=100:
IPCC WG1: N=201, 51 w/o year, N=150, average year of last degree = 1983
Skeptics: N=38, 15 w/o year, N=23, average year of last degree = 1968

All IPCC WG1 vs. AGW-skeptical document signers:
IPCC WG1: N=623, 208 w/o year, N=415, average year of last degree = 1989
Skeptics: N=469, 346 w/o year, N=123, average year of last degree = 1973

In short, the skeptics are 15 years older than their opponents.

My mind is settled on this whole climate issue.  But, it would be fun to have a list of other conflicts with a strong generational component.  For example, I think I’ve written about how I think Microsoft is caught on the old side of the swing back to data center computing and it’s associate control of the customer and distribution channels.  I suspect there is one in the Business schools around platform based business architectures.

In a somewhat related bit, I’m subscribed to various pages at wikipedia.  Apparently there is some kind of lower life form that draws satisfaction from swooping into pages and adding “citation needed” after the first period, and so naturally there are mechanisms that chase after this to remove them.  This silly activity happened on one page I was watching the first sentence read “Given two similar rewards humans show a preference for one that arrives sooner rather than later.”

And so, I was delighted to stumble upon a possible citation for that.  Via Crooked Timber, quoting Richard Tol and his co-authors:

Estimates of utility discount rates for individuals are almost always positive – an estimate of 1.5% is considered plausible for the UK for instance (HMTreasury, 2003) – for the simple reason that humans prefer good things to come earlier rather than later. Given the inevitability of death for individuals, a preference for benefits to accrue earlier rather than later is entirely sensible.

John Quiggin adds:

We can sharpen this up a bit by observing that the average annual mortality probability for adults is around 1.5 per cent, suggesting that this factor alone is sufficient to explain positive time preference.

That whole post is thought provoking but what has been stewing in my head since reading it is how immortals might manifest a very different discount rate than we mortals do.  The planet, society, nations, and many corporations act as if they are immortal.    This leads to a pervasive mismatch in the discount rate between an group and it’s members.  That’s the tension of the prisoner’s dilemma, the gang would prefer that the game continue.

Load of …

There must be a term of art for the scenario where a corporate sponsor uses a charitable activity in such a noxious manner that the charity becomes entirely a vile facade for marketing.  It can obviously be quite quantitative.  If the firm spends N units of cash on marketing their affiliation with the charity for every one unit they actually donate to the charity the entire exercise is a fraud.  But we need a label for this bogosity.  “Pink tides of hope,” or something.  Then a list.  It’s so offensive.

Trash Biz

Two fun examples of business models that reside adjacent to the waste stream.

First a fun posting about getting free food for your pigs by talking to the guy at the cold storage warehouse who has to puzzle out how to dispose of damaged good. (HT – Rebecca).  He’s obviously having fun playing the game, but I don’t think he’s won until he get’s them to pay him to cart it away.  I gather some cheese makers pay pig farmers to take the waste whey off their hands.  Since they can’t dump it in the river anymore.

Second buried in the tail end of this article at the New York Times we discover that this guy is actually running a small business in stooping trade.  He pays people for bags of discarded betting slips, then he pays other people to sort, flatten, and stack ‘m, and finally he stands around for hours a day feeding them into the scanner.  I tend to doubt his employees are getting health insurance; since apparently he’s grossing only around $45K/year.

There is a story in my family about the uncle who lived in the attic when he wasn’t filthy rich.  One of the ways he got rich was buying train cars of too wet grain, mixing it with dry grain and selling it.  I guess trash based business models are in the genes.  Maybe I should start a new category.

There must be an amusing book about this kind of stuff.

Craft of Software Management

Nice list

  • Continuous deployment.
  • Tell a good change from a bad change quickly
  • Revert a bad change quickly
  • Work in small batches (at IMVU, large batch = 3 days worth of work)
  • Break large projects down into small batches
  • Have a cluster immune system
  • Run tests locally. Everyone gets a complete sandbox
  • Continuous integration server – tests to ensure all features that worked before still works
  • Incremental deploy – reject changes that move metrics out of bounds
  • Alerting and predictive monitoring – wake somebody up if metric goes out of bounds. Use historical trends to predict  acceptable bounds.
  • Conduct rapid split tests: A/B testing is key to validating hypotheses
  • Follow the AAAs of metrics: actionable, accessible and auditable

But for heaven sakes!  Nothing on this list is particularly insightful or new.  All these things were true in 1980.  Have we learned nothing?  Is the schooling around software development so weak that these are news to people?  This list ignores the much more fundamental question of when those rules get broken.  Hint: about half your time will be spent in that state.  But what’s key is knowing when that is a good witch v.s. a bad witch.  The only customer/user input or feed back loop in that list is A/B testing.  That is particularly bogus!

Feeling cranking.  The old joke for the 1970s about the software industry:  “I am blessed to have stood on the toes of giants!”

Enabling Change

I was working with someone a while back who was in the midst of advocating for an alternative approach inside his organization.  He was frustrated.  He was deeply convinced of the benefits of his new approach and frustrated by his colleagues passivity.  My first thought was to recall a few of my lists, for example this one.

But later I got to thinking – I do have the list he was looking for.

  • enable small wins
  • provide field trips where the problem can be observed in the wild
  • increase contact with actual users, preferable ones with high emotional trigger; i.e. fame, sympathetic, impedence matched, etc.
  • don’t ever attack or dismiss their core competency, e.g. do not propose your new approach in contrast to existing practice
  • invite them to join you solving your sales problem, e.g. create an imaginary client and discuss your challenges selling to that client
  • lots of short stories of others using the approach helps – it creates social proof, demonstrates value, invites a monkey see monkey do pattern
  • create clear low cost affordances for action
  • stand ready to encourage anybody who exercises those options
  • plan out how this blends into existing their time management
  • plan out how this blends into existing sources of encouragement
  • plan to provide air cover, money, staff, and to resort their objectives
  • map out existing social networks and know that it’s the network not the individuals you need to transition

You can use that list to for an initiative (both to help or hinder), and you can use it to shift culture.  Two take two examples of culture – if your organizations tends to pile on lots of objectives or very a narrow repertoire  for giving encouragement you can be sure that new ideas are being squeezed out and adaptability suffers.  Of course adaptability it not an unalloyed good.

Business Model Schema

Some folks at MIT’s Sloan school have cobbled together a scheme for organizing the universe of business models.  I recall reading a lot of this work some years ago and coming away unsatisfied, and so I apparently I never wrote any blog postings about it.  Which is a bit of a shame because it runs close to one of my fantasies, e.g. that it would be fun to write a field guide to local businesses which would mimic the field guides of the natural world.  Then upon observing some business in the wild, say the handful of regulars who beg at the intersection of Mass Ave and Route 16 at the Cambridge Arlington line you could look them up and puzzle out what combination of property rights, regulation, etc. etc. makes that an ongoing proposition.

You can get a taste for the schema from this article: Do Some Business Models Perform Better than Others? A study of the 1000 Largest US Firms.  In an open natural system schemes principally about exceptions and yet the power law nature of those same systems makes for the appearance of large scale regularities.  Those regularities are kind-a-sort-of mimic the organizational frames seen in biology, e.g. kingdom, phylum, class, order … species.  But unlike biology you can create bizarre hybrids.

With that caveat in mind – the primary organizational schema the MIT folks distilled out for business models is has two primary dimensions.

This paper begins by defining a business model as what a  business does and how a business makes money doing those things. Then the paper  defines four basic types of business models (Creators, Distributors, Landlords and  Brokers). Next, by considering the type of asset involved (Financial, Physical, Intangible,  or Human), 16 specialized variations of the four basic business models are defined.

Collect the whole set!  For example WalMart’s business model is, at first glance, about physical assets which they distribute.  Headhunters are brokers of human assets.  Advertising agencies are creators of intangible goods.  Etc. etc.  And of course a complex firm is likely to have portions that fall into many of these slots.

The first dimension picks out what kind of property rights the business is selling and they have this little cross tab for that.

What rights are being sold
How much does the business transform the asset?
limited significant
Ownership of Asset Creator Distributor
Use of Asset Landlord
Matching of buyer and seller Broker

Which raises obvious questions about how firm these categories are. Why isn’t useful to split the Landlords into two kinds, those who add significant value v.s. those who don’t? Or is it actually rare to find matching businesses (i.e. two sided networks) which also play in another category.  Also notice how terms, like creator, become formal and are only loosely connected to their colloquial meaning.  Otherwise, it’s pretty insulting to announce that creators don’t significantly transform the assets when they do their business.  Another example of that problem is how they plug the term Entrepreneur into just one of cells in their four-by-four grid (e.g. creator/financial); which is just silly if you believe that entrepreneurship is the more general activity of creating new institutions.  Actually they quickly ran out of good labels to drop into their four-by-four grid; as you can see:

Financial Physical Intangible Human
Creator Entrepreneur Manufacturer Inventor Human Creator
Distributor Financial Trader Wholesale/Retailer IP Trader Human Distributor
Landlord Financial Landlord Physical Landord Intelectual Landlord Contractor
Broker Financial Broker Physcial Broker IP Broker HR Broker

Inequality: Differing Norms on Transaction Boundaries

I’ve not read this paper yet, but I’ve thought about the issues it raises a lot since the very beginning of the housing bubble’s collapse. To summarize the summary this paper is about the different ethical frames around mortgage holders v.s. mortgage lenders.  The lender is expected to act in a purely rational – accountant like – manner, if those actions have the horrible unintended consequences that’s the price of rationality.  We will not think poorly of the lender since his behavior is entirely in conformance with the perverse effect embedded in Adam Smith’s invisible hand.  Meanwhile the mortgage holder is expected to act in a purely honorable manner, and if those actions have horrible consequences on his situation in life we expect him to take it like a man.  If he doesn’t we will feel to lay waste to his honor.  One of the key reasons it’s become popular to label senior executives as psychopaths is how society encourages them nurture a disconnect between what is maximally beneficial in an accounting sense and the effects of their actions on the lives of individuals.

The paper by Brent T. White is  “Underwater and Not Walking Away: Shame, Fear and the Social Management of the Housing Crisis” (pdf) and it’s abstract:

Despite reports that homeowners are increasingly “walking away” from their mortgages, most homeowners continue to make their payments even when they are significantly underwater.  This article suggests that most homeowners choose not to strategically default as a result of two emotional forces: 1) the desire to avoid the shame and guilt of foreclosure; and 2) exaggerated anxiety over foreclosure’s perceived consequences. Moreover, these emotional constraints are actively cultivated by the government and other social control agents in order to encourage homeowners to follow social and moral norms related to the honoring of financial obligations – and to ignore market and legal norms under which strategic default might be both viable and the wisest financial decision. Norms governing homeowner behavior stand in sharp contrast to norms governing lenders, who seek to maximize profits or minimize losses irrespective of concerns of morality or social responsibility. This norm asymmetry leads to distributional inequalities in which individual homeowners shoulder a disproportionate burden from the housing collapse.

It isn’t surprising that these two groups would have very different perceptions of what the rules and ethics of the situation are.  Maybe what is surprising is that people tend to deny that; or having admitted it they then pick a very firm opinion about what the right position is about this.  I.e. bank smart, borrower stupid, consequence is borrower’s fault; or bank ethical, borrower ethical, consequences be damn’d.  You could setup three spinners and use them to assign a position to your high school debating club.

I love those sociology terms ‘social control agents,’ and ‘norms.’  I observe a lot of management cultism and it’s less black and white fellow travelers, e.g. MBA training, is focused on how engineer and manipulate such levers.  Most practical men are indeed in thrall to the ideas of some long dead sociologist and current events are proving him nearly correct.

Bonus video:

Phase Changes in the Factors of Production


The Newcomen fire water pump consumed vast amounts of coal, but waste coal was free at the mine head.

I enjoyed this video (ht Brad) of Professor R.C. Allen outline the theory he presents in his recent book.  The question at hand is what triggered the Industrial Revolution.  Why Britian and associated questions.  To hear him tell it the existing theory seems to be that they finally stumbled into the right institutional frameworks; reasonably good governance, property rights, etc.  That theory has always struck me as suspect since it smells too much like what everybody says about the others.

His alternative theory is, roughly, that Britian was pregnant with possibility when something happened and the resulting babe thrived.  Why it thrived is another story.

The fertile context amounted to two things.  Northeastern Europe’s rising standards of living had created a consumer/commercial economy with urbanization, literacy, and consumer demand.  He suggests that had happened before, say during the Roman era.  Secondly a few key general technologies had emerged.  Computers are the modern exemplar of a general, i.e. extremely widely applicable, technology.  In this story a good example of a general technology was precision gears and rollers an outgrowth of clocks.  Clocks emerged for navigational purposes and consumer demand goosed up the supply.

The trigger was a sky rocketing cost of labor in Britain, it happened thru out North Eastern Europe but was most severe in Britain.  Rising labor costs always the calculus of production.  If labor is expensive then substituting capital equipment becomes more attractive.  Actually there is a more general statement.  If the cost of any input rises or falls that changes the shape of how best to configure your production.  So if labor gets horribly expensive, and fuel gets really cheap then you get a shift to production techniques that reduce labor, increase capital equipment by using fuel.  And that’s the trigger.  The Brits started building equipment which traded coal for labor costs.

He has a nice example.  The French were making plate glass and cheerfully helped the Brits setup a production facility.  It was obvious to the French that given the cost of labor in Britian there was no way they could become a serious competitor.  What they miscalculated was how cheap coal was.

He highlights a key point about how these shifts in the factors of production play out.  The new forms of production need only clear a minimal profit.  Such schemes can survive only in the new niche; they can not be exported to the rest of the planet.  If early in the industrial revolution you visited England, admired their cool new machines for spinning cotton, you might be tempted to head home and try the same trick.  But it wouldn’t work out; absent a high cost of labor the numbers just don’t work for you.  Casual observers back home will pen editorials about how your falling behind.  But there is something else: learning curve.  New production scheme but a babe, it has a lot to learn.  That’s because it’s new.  So while you get started with a minimal profit as you climb the learning curve those profits grow.  Which sets up a virtuous cycle, particularly for the owners of the means of production.  We used to call these guys capitalist mill owners, but now we call them VC.  And as that plays out the scheme becomes exportable to countries of progressively lower and lower labor costs.  The late adopters don’t get to capture the benefits of climbing the easy part of the learning curve; they don’t even get learn how to climb it.

How the Brits climbed the learning curve is another story.  Having a literate urban population was good.  It may have been important that the rich had fallen into a fad of amateur science and taken up hobbies involving the building of mechanisms; but this was engineering, a craft of tedious hill climbing.

It is fun, and useful, remixing this model with other models of innovation.  It is surprising how often the trick of juggling the means of production into some patently inefficient, but yet slightly profitable, repeats it’s self.  We are seeing a lot of that in cloud computing these days and that card was played when FPLAs where invented or in the invention of Ethernet.

The dangers of running a specialty shop

Yesterday my wife and I drove some distance to visit a specialty supply store.  It’s the kind of place which I used to visit in Manhattan in the 1960s, but what with the way the world is now we visit them on the Internet or as in this case in the depressed atmosphere of an abandoned town across the street from an decaying falling water mill.  As we became friendly with the woman helping her she related a story which as is my tendency I’ve over generalized.

If you run a store that serves the needs of some esoteric old craft you will attract down upon your shoulders a particular kind of frustrating event like the one she told us about.  From time to time an innocent soul will wander into your store carrying a box and they will say “I bought this for 5 dollars at a yard sale.” or “I found this clearing out my mother’s attic.”  and of course “I’d like to try my hand at …”    They will then open the box and inside will be the tool.  It was made in the 19th century.  It’s better than any tool you can buy today.  It has a hand made wooden box, with brass fittings.  And you, working in the store have wanted one for years if not decades.  And here is this damn amateur with no idea what they have got!

She paused possibly savoring the bittersweet slightly nostalgic self pity and then she brightened up and said.  “Thank god for ebay.”  So I guess she has one now.