
“GUANGZHOU, China, April 15 ? China’s main trade fair” … “‘The last time, you couldn’t even move through the aisles, there were so many people,’ said Saed Qawasmi, a trader who lives here and buys for many distributors of garments and housewares in the Mideast. ‘This time, it’s empty.'”

   — New York Times – Apprehension Deters Buyers From Attending China Fair

“From the department of lame excuses,” … “fishy comments from Novellus” … “‘The war and SARS has had an adverse effect on people’s confidence in the future; so they are very cautious. Asia has been particularly affected by SARS. There is a reluctance to interact amongst our customers … even amongst our employees. We are finding it difficult to continue to conduct training seminars, and needed meetings, in the course of actual business.'” … “Let’s get real. Semiconductor capital equipment is sold based on long-term investment considerations, not how people are feeling at the present moment.”

   — Motley Fool – “Our Take: Novellus Blames SARS”

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