I’m very interested in questions of scale, so Ben Adida‘s “Important read” click bait had an easy time getting me to click through to “Orders of Magnitude“. But, let me save you a click.
FYI – HR is very different at Google with 8! orders of magnitude more employees than it is at a startup.
He actually wrote “Important read! For bigco engineers who join startups, eng processes also are very different at diff scales.” So he had me twice hooked, I’m thinking a lot about process these days, as one does.
From the employee/HR point of view: moving from one firm to another, like any move, is all about encountering, digesting, introducing new conventions. The resulting culture shock is always part of the work. For both sides. This emotional work is huge.
Management, on the other hand? Well, their brief includes moving the immovable culture. The real work of HR is keeping the collective culture shock in some sort of Goldilocks zone.