John’s Desire for Self Bondage

John Hobo has a short piece on his desire for tools for self binding.

“So I maintain that Western Civilization can be saved … if only someone will come up with a simple app for time-locking our computers and mobile devices. Indeed, it would be such a basic and powerful productivity tool that it should come standard on all devices.”

I like how people are in the comments are admitting to their techniques for self binding.  Put your network cable out of reach.  And, this is too funny!

I think I’ve written before that I’m surprised that User interface designers haven’t done more to help with the focus of attention problem. It really ought to be standard equipment to be able adjust how hard it is to get to other programs and require that only the current program have control of the screen, etc. etc.

In this interesting essay on distraction by Paul Graham, who argues that distraction has evolved to become increasingly virulent. Which reminds us that the platform vendor isn’t entirely your side here. Apple’s recent announcement that applications on their iP*d’s will only be allowed to use location in “beneficial” ways is an example of this dynamic. Beneficial to who?

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